Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Day 2

I forgot to mention yesterday that Dr. Bow had to use forceps to get my head in a position where he could take me out, so I have a couple of residual marks -- a line on my forehead and a bruised upper lip. Thought you might want to see them, but really they're no biggie.

My second day has passed fairly uneventfully. Besides eating, all I've done is slept -- in fact, I slept from midnight all the way to 8 a.m. last night! Mom wishes she could take advantage of the time to sleep, but, being in a hospital, is disturbed on a regular basis so the nurses can take her vitals, etc. etc. She's looking forward to coming home soon! Here's a picture of me in my favored state of consciousness!

Ethan, Isaac and Lilly came to visit today. Honestly, it's probably best that I was blissfully unaware of their visit -- besides taking me on a walk, they each put in their votes for naming me -- I'm sure their ideas would have put me in tears had I been awake!


the man said...

Yummy.. now that looks like a tasty eggroll (unlike the superstore ones..) Ethan's smile in the last pic looks just like you Poppa Tang raised to the 4th...

Annette Bailey said...

You can really tell I've been in a quiet, calm hospital - how many different ways did I tell them to be careful? Poor kids!