My second day has passed fairly uneventfully. Besides eating, all I've done is slept -- in fact, I slept from midnight all the way to 8 a.m. last night! Mom wishes she could take advantage of the time to sleep, but, being in a hospital, is disturbed on a regular basis so the nurses can take her vitals, etc. etc. She's looking forward to coming home soon! Here's a picture of me in my favored state of consciousness!
Ethan, Isaac and Lilly came to visit today. Honestly, it's probably best that I was blissfully unaware of their visit -- besides taking me on a walk, they each put in their votes for naming me -- I'm sure their ideas would have put me in tears had I been awake!
Yummy.. now that looks like a tasty eggroll (unlike the superstore ones..) Ethan's smile in the last pic looks just like you Poppa Tang raised to the 4th...
You can really tell I've been in a quiet, calm hospital - how many different ways did I tell them to be careful? Poor kids!
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